Premier Mentorship Circle

with Steve Lowell

Program Overview

This exclusive 1:1 mentorship program with Steve Lowell is designed to elevate your message, platform skills and stagecraft as a speaker. It’s a comprehensive program ideal for individuals who want to refine their speaking abilities, uncover their unique message, and gain valuable exposure in the speaking world.

Included in the Program:

Signature Talk Mastery Course


4 Month 1:1 Mentorship, weekly (or as needed) calls + 2 Months Review and Audit


Regular Price $50,000

1:1 Signature Talk Mentorship Sessions with Steve Lowell

The one-on-one mentorship component is a deep dive with Steve Lowell, designed to uncover, develop, and perfect your signature message and talk. It’s a holistic approach that combines three essential elements:

  • Uncovering Your Signature Message: Explore and articulate your unique message that resonates with your audience.
  • Finding Your Signature Story: Identify and structure the core themes of your talk, aligning them with your most powerful and compelling story.
  • Crafting Your Signature Talk: Receive detailed guidance and feedback to refine your unique talk and perfect your delivery, making it impactful and memorable.
Signature Talk Mastery Course

Participation fees



Video/Photoshoot Asset Package


High-Impact Speaker’s Showcase Participation

The High-Impact Showcase, scheduled for April 2024, is a prestigious event that offers a unique platform for speakers to present and refine their signature talk. Participants benefit from a live audience, receiving immediate feedback in a supportive and encouraging setting. This program is ideal for honing your speaking skills through focussed coaching and gaining valuable exposure on a live stage.

  • Intensive On-Stage Training: Attend two solid days of intense delivery skills upleveling immediately before the showcase. This is exclusively designed for the showcase speakers to prepare for the live event so your delivery is at its maximum power when you take the stage in front of that live and excited audience.
  • Live Presentation: Reveal and test your best talk, show off your new platform skills and engage with a real, live audience.
  • Professional Video Recording: Receive a raw video of your performance, capturing your skills in action.
  • Speaker Intro Reel: A professionally crafted introduction reel, highlighting your speaking prowess.
  • Photoshoot: A professional photo shoot to enhance your personal branding and promotional materials
Signature Talk Mastery Course


Live, in-person small group setting (6 participants max)


Regular Price: $5,500

Two-Day Intensive Platform Skills Workshop

Discover delivery secrets that you’ll not learn anywhere else! Learn everything from little known body language techniques to strategic stage movement, dynamic voice projection, tactical audience engagement techniques and even what to do with your hands! 

  • With a maximum of 6 participants, you’ll get lots of personal attention to focus on what’s most important to you.
  • Take the stage at least 4 times in the two days to practice your talk and learn how to make it come alive with your personal presence.
  • Learn from other participants as they receive their own coaching and training on the stage.
Signature Talk Mastery Course

Regular Price: $9997

Webinar Wealth Mastery

Convert your expertise into an automated webinar funnel for 24/7 profit in this hybrid intensive program that combines eLearning with live instruction. You’ll complete the eLearning program and then attend a live two-day (virtual) workshop to refine and finalize your webinar content. By the end of this 2-Day Workshop, you’ll have prepped all your webinar content ready for you to record. Once you record it, you’ll send it back to us, we’ll schedule it, host it and even provide you with email scripts to help fill it. 

  • BONUS – Includes the complete Mastering The $100K Signature Talk Program – a $9997 Value!
  • Personalized guidance to convert your message or Signature Talk to a webinar format
  • Skills in webinar setup, automation, and professional recording
  • AI scripting techniques and custom visuals/slide templates
  • Your webinar set up, scheduling and hosting done for you
  • Podcast One Sheet Template & Podcast Strategy Masterclass to help you drive traffic to your evergreen webinar
Signature Talk Mastery Course

Regular Price: $500

Speaker’s Success Pipeline - Targeted Leads

Expand your network and opportunities with curated and targeted leads, increasing your chances of booking speaking engagements.

 Receive 25 to 50 targeted leads every week for 12 weeks (3 months).

Signature Talk Mastery Course

Regular Price: $500

Professional Speaker One-Sheet

Elevate your professional image with a custom-designed speaker one-sheet, essential for effective marketing and promotion.

Professional copywriting and design of your one-sheet.



Total Regular Price: $77,597 USD

Special Offer

ONLY $25,000

All prices USD


Next Steps

For more details and enrollment, contact Jayne at  or 

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