Rated 4.9/5.0 by hundreds of elite speakers and changemakers

Speaker Launch
One Day Virtual Masterclass

Strengthen your approach and get better results with this interactive Masterclass!

1-Day Interactive Masterclass

Jan 17, 2024

10:00 AM EST to 3:00 PM EST


During this 1-Day Masterclass you will
enhance your speaking impact with these proven strategies:

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Captivate Any Audience: Learn to choose stories that resonate, making your message unforgettable and influential.

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Master Stage Presence: Utilize “The Three Circles of Speaking Energy” and “The 4 Principles of Language” to excel in any setting, be it live or virtual.

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Become an Authority: Discover the 4 essential roles of successful speakers to establish yourself as the go-to expert in your field.

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Drive Higher Conversions: Learn how to make effective, no-pressure offers to monetize your speeches more efficiently and lucratively.

Transform your speaking skills into a powerful tool for success!

This Masterclass Is Tailor-Made For:

Coaches With a program to Fill

Consultants with Expertise for Hire

Experts with a Solution to Sell

Survivors with a Message to Share

Thought-Leaders with an Idea to Spread

Adventurers with a Story to Tell

…and who want to do it through speaking.

Microphone in auditorium

Join Our Exclusive, Interactive Workshop for Just $97 USD!

Here’s what they’re saying

“Sold more in 1-DAY than I did all year!”

“I got 30 viable leads from one keynote address!”

“I earned more last month than I used to earn all year!”

“Steve Is the BOMB”

“Steve gave me a great lightbulb moment I will take with me!”

“Steve taught me exactly how to sell from the stage without selling”

Limited Seats Available!
Grab this unique opportunity to get:

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Real-Time Experience

  • Expert Insights: Learn directly from Steve.
  • Live, interactive format
  • Hands-on learning
  • Recordings simply can’t match this experience
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Present and Improve:

  • Showcase your ideas and get immediate, constructive feedback
  • Refine your approach and enhance your results.
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Dynamic Workshop Structure

  • Breakout Discussions
  • Peer Feedback
  • Laser Coaching
  • Interactive Q&A

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024, @ 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST


Don’t miss out on this chance to boost your skills in a highly engaging, collaborative setting!

1-Day Interactive Masterclass

Jan 17, 2024

10:00 AM EST to 3:00 PM EST

Steve Lowell with coffee

Meet Multi-Award Winning Global Speaker Steve Lowell…

Meet Steve Lowell – a multi-award-winning global speaker, three-time #1 best-selling author, and CEO and Founder of The High-Impact Speakers’ Studio.

With years of experience refining his craft and researching every speaking technique there is (even adding neuroscience to his methods to validate principles with actual science), Steve has become a master of the art of public speaking.

Steve has taught coaches, authors and consultants worldwide helping them become elite professional speakers and global changemakers.

Don’t let your speaking skills hold you back – join Steve in this One-Day Masterclass to learn the exact techniques and strategies that have helped Steve and his clients sell more through speaking.

Here’s What People Just Like You Are Saying…

“Steve is a speaker you can genuinely call an expert. He delivered a masterclass session at the national convention I attended where he shared his easy-to-apply speaking model. I used it instantly to great effect and got some brilliant feedback which I can only put down to the structure Steve provided me.”

Darren Harris

“Steve has an incredible way of helping you see where you are and where you need to go and what you need to do to get where you want to go. I highly recommend Steve as a speaker and coach for the incredible value he exudes.”

Jessica Keates

“Whether you are a speaker, trainer, coach or consultant and struggling to grow your business, Steve is the go-to coach. If you’re organizing an event on marketing or sales, then Steve’s No B.S., candid and vulnerable speech is just what your audience needs to hear”

Coen Tan

“As a professional speaker I have dug deep into what value I offer to my audience and yet when Steve took us through his process it became obvious there was more value to find. He encouraged everyone in the group to find our value and then show our value – what is the real value we offer. WOW – it revealed more gems than I had ever seen before.” –

Chris Wildeboer

“Steve, I was just asked to be a guest speaker at a women’s organization. I had the courage to say yes because I had studied the art of delivering my messages as an unmistakable authority. Steve, you taught me and my teammates the science of delivering our messages to audiences around the world!”

Jacqueline Richards

“As a pitch and presentation skills specialist it is always very exciting meet and learn from someone who can provide new ideas, tips and techniques to enhance my own communication and the work I do with my clients. Steve is one of the best public speaking trainers I have ever come across and I highly recommend him.” –

Mel Sherwood

Steve with flipchart


Before joining the Masterclass, come prepared with a 5-minute talk that includes the following:

  • A Short Story: Share a brief, engaging tale.
  • A Valuable Lesson: Impart a meaningful insight or learning.
  • A Call to Action: Conclude with a motivating prompt for your audience.

This preparation will ensure you get the most out of the workshop!

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024, @ 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST

© 2024 S&J Training Solutions Inc
